Saturday, December 30, 2006

BUTCHO's Intro

"Butcho", shortcut for Butchokoy, a nick my tita gave me when I was still a baby. Graphic Designer by profession, a musician by Sunday and a family man everyday.
Welcome to my blog "KALEIDESCOPE World". This blog serves as my outlet, the output of my life, artistry and imaginative thinking. I'm not a good writer, nor fluent in the English language. Every word written in this blog is just an expression of who I am, what I am, and what I believe in. Sometimes I like to talk about politics, about an experience, about someone, about a book I read, share stories I read from other blogs or just about anything under the sun.
You may also visit my friendster blog at
You may also place your comments and what you think about my blog. All comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

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